Hagoth believed to be link between polynesia and peoples. This belief, at least in part, that polynesians are lamanites stems from the story of hagoth in the book of mormon. For all we can tell, the skilled hagoth s main objective was to profit from the shipping industry. The first ship returned and picked up even more people. Dna hagoth there is a strong correlation between the ojibwa tribe of the great lakes area, and the druze of israel. The interest in the people of the pacific comes from a brief account in the book of mormon of one hagoth, a nephite shipbuilder who left the americas and sailed away and was never heard of more alma 63. Higher to lower elevation map wayne may, book of mormon geography presentation, ancient american history conference, slc, april 1, 2011 rivers flow from higher elevations to lower elevations. What we have here, is an account of a colonizing movement of men, women, and children who went out in ships presumably into the pacific ocean sometime between 53 and 57 b. In that paper, brother parsons addressed the question of what happened to hagoth and the. Loveland i n what amounts to an aside in the story of the book of mormon peoples, there is in the 63rd chapter of alma a brief reference to a curious man named hagoth. Sometimes one has to laugh at the lack of understanding, or just plain ignorance, of mesoamerican theorists who write about matters in the book of mormon with such flagrant disregard for actual scripture statements.
Hadugoth book of mormon onramp general discussions. The mentinah archives volume one the nemenhah orem, ut. This is the only instance in book of mormon history when mention is made of shipbuilding and exploring by. Furthermore hagoth per the book of mormon timeline lived around 55 bce but contacts between polynesians and native americans are dated between 700 ce and 0 ce. Because the entire civilization was founded by seafarers, it would be more surprising if the nephites did not use ships than if they did, and. Many nephites took food and supplies and sailed north in his ship.
This doesnt support the idea that hagoth led expeditions sailing into the pacific ocean from the americas. Many latterday prophets and apostles have stated that the inhabitants of the islands of the pacific are considered to be lamanites. Hagoth then built other ships that carried people to a land northward. Hagoth industries multicrop harvester manufacturer. Mormonism was established in hawaii and the book of mormon was available by the time the alleged fabrication of. Since they cant all be correct, obviously, some scientists are.
Book of mormon article nephi and jacobs isles of the sea others versus modern prophets hagoth and polynesians. The book of mormon shall stand as a testimony against the world, ether 5. The book of mormon reports that an exceedingly curious man named hagoth went forth and built him an exceedingly large ship alma 63. Book of mormon geography is one of my favorite topics, and its been a while since i talked about it. He and his wife, the former arlene chapman, live in mona, utah.
From this passage, many readers of the book of mormon assume that hagoth led groups of people by ship to the north and that he and one group disappeared, probably ending up in hawaii or elsewhere in polynesia. Hagoth was a nephite ship builder and sailor who led the expansion of the nephite settlements northward in the 37th and 38th year of the reign of judges circa 55 b. The widespread defensive military campaigns conducted by moroni and his commandershelaman, teancum, lehi, antipus, and othersrestored to the land an era of peace around 56 bc. The story of hagoth shows the nephites were proficient in shipbuilding, as mormon implies in helaman 3.
Mormon does not mention hagoth because he built a ship. Hagoth, book of mormon stories 1997, 98 about 55 years before the birth of jesus christ, thousands of nephite men, women, and children left zarahemla and traveled north. Hagoth industries is an industry leader in multicrop harvester and agricultural equipment manufacturing, parts repair and replacement, and custom metal fabrication. There is a lot of interchange going on, not all of which, and maybe not most of which, need be attributed to hagoth. Wayne may says the land of nephi tennessee was a higher elevation than the land of zarahemla illinois. This episode helps establish that the scattering of israel was taking place even among the nephites.
Despite the translation of egyptian and numerous american indian languages, reformed egyptian remains unknown. With this declaration, alma identified for corianton the three most abominable sins in the sight of god. Five misunderstandings of the book of mormon text that. The book of mormon does not equate the west sea with the pacific ocean. We build enduring faith in jesus christ by making the book of mormon accessible, comprehensible, and defensible to the entire world.
Most still do and of course the church has invested a ton of money in exploiting this connection. Alma the testimony of the word, published by byus religious studies center. The church was reestablished and the people again began to prosper. Their journeys set the stage for the expansion of the nephite nation and also demonstrate that the scattering of israel was taking place even among the nephites.
Adultery was third to murder and the sin against the holy ghost as abominable sins. A dictionary of the book of mormonhagoth wikisource. Concerning this record, the prophet joseph smith, who translated it by the gift and power of god, said, i told the brethren that the book of mormon was the most correct of any book on earth, and the keystone of our religion, and a man would get nearer to god by abiding by its precepts, than by any other book see the introduction at the. Hagoth and the polynesians religious studies center. He was a very ingenious mechanic, and in the thirtyseventh year of the judges b. Another possible hebrew etymology for hagoth is a form of. Book of mormon article nephi and jacobs isles of the. Hagoth and his shipbuilding accomplishments are briefly described in the book of alma in the book of mormon. Wayne may true book of mormon geography lands western. There he built an exceedingly large ship, and launched it on the pacific ocean. There is nothing in the text of the book of mormon that would limit the nephites geography from stretching from costa rica to cumorah. This remarkable find coincides with the true book of mormon geography which is centered in western new york not mesoamerica.
Where did hagoths ship in the book of mormon end up. Hagoth built a large ship and launched it on a northern course into the west sea by the lands of bountiful and desolation. Following the lengthy war between the nephites and the lamanites, peace was once more established in nephite territory and many people began moving into the land northward, probably because it was more distant from the lamanite border and hence safer. The first of these assumptions is untrue and the second, though possible, is not supported by the text itself and must be inferred from.
Hagoths ships sailed up the coast of the west sea, and we do have some linguistic evidence of nephites in california brian stubbs. He has written several books, including life lessons from the book of mormon, commentaries on isaiah in the book of mormon, and the bestselling latterday commentary on the book of mormon. Time to reevaluate descendants of hagoth lehites lamanites like with blacks and the priesthood ban. Theres a lot of backstory behind this question, which will go unstated and misunderstood if we dont mention it up front. Tvedtnes, john gee, and matthew roper journal of book of mormon studies 91 2000. The book of mormon does not tell us that hagoth was on board any of the ships that were lost. A radically different book of mormon geography theory.
And it came to pass that hagoth, he being an exceedingly curious man, therefore he went forth and built him an exceedingly large. The three most abominable sins religious studies center. Wouldnt it be cool to find some archaeological evidence. The paper, hagoth and the polynesians, is reprinted as a chapter in the book of mormon. The book of mormon text refers to the language it is written in as reformed egyptian. One of them, a man named hagoth, built a large ship and launched it into the west sea. Do mormons believe polynesians are descended from hagoth. Hagoth specializes in manufacturing multicrop harvesters for sweet corn, snap peas and beans. Directional geographical locations in the book of mormon. The book of hagoth hagoth built ships and departed from the land southward with his family and twelve nephite and twelve ammonite families. But no entity outside of the mormon church refers to reformed egyptian as a real, written language. For all we can tell, the skilled hagoths main objective was to profit from the shipping industry. The book of mormon was written for the intent that we may believe the bible, morm.
The time frame was marked by relative peace in the land, allowing for a northern expansion of people. One possible explanation would be that kepelino and kamakau had read the hagoth reference in the book of mormon and postulated the hawaii loa legend from it. Even if it wasnt true, the connection to the book of mormon was striking. Soenson, considered the guru of mesoamerican bom geography, when he writes in his. He served a fulltime mission in southern england during the early 1970s.
The folkloristics in the link require far more accessory investment from the core spiritual message than do the simple claims in the introduction, chapter headings and title. Interestingly enough, this book has an incredible amount of connections to the book of mormon and lds doctrine while nowhere in the book or website does it specifically make a case of connection or outreach to members of the church. The story of hagoth is recorded in just six verses 49 of alma 63. The same place the reformed egyptian language ended up. They traveled north along the pacific coastline to the mouth of the colorado river, up the colorado river to the area now known as four corners where they settled for a. The book of mormon does not tell us that hagoth was onboard any of the ships that were lost. It will not thoroughly examine the current or past theories of the origin of the polynesians, but concentrate on the book of mormon account and supplementary interpretations that have led to the traditional beliefs. Book of mormon names attested in ancient hebrew inscriptions john a. The ship of haggoth minerva teichert book of mormon art this colorful painting shows the ship that hagoth built in the beloved book of mormon story. Hagoth hagoth is reported to have built ships and sent explorers northward from a spot on the coast of the west sea by the narrow neck of land see alma 63. There are over 100 theories concerning book of mormon geography. Hagoth is said to be an exceedingly curious man, where curious probably does not mean inquisitive, but rather careful. Scripture does not say that he captained a vessel or that he was an explorer or an adventurer, or that he led people.
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